Since I haven't done a Mono post for a while

Since I haven't done a Mono post for a while

A couple of people have mentioned they miss my Mono posts, and I have bene to another car show so my series of Monody posts of Cars I have seen at Car shows will be ongoing, so I thought I would slip in a Mono Post today, Often when I do a Mono post I have a set theme, but since I haven't done one for a while I thought I would let the them just be mono for this post and have a variety of subjects.

Starting with this little plant gowning beside the path on one of the walks here I have shared photos of a similar plant before in color as I thought that suited it best, but when I tried a Mono edit for this one I was quite happy how it came out

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Sony A7iv 90mm F13 1/250 Sec ISO 6400
Click here to view larger

Next up is a pier by a yacht club just next door to Jones Beach in Dartmouth, the sky was nice and colorful but I liked this mono edit as well

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Sony A7iv 28mm F8 1.3 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and I find shots in Cemeteries always work well in Mono giving a kind of moody deep feel to them, this angel headstone is in St Marys Cemetery

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Sony A7iv 75mm F11 1/60 Sec ISO 160
Click here to view larger

As is this one worn down a lot by the weather over the years

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Sony A7iv 43mm F2.8 1/1600 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

This bench is alongside the Parsons reserve Daffodil field

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Sony A7iv 42mm F11 1/125 Sec ISO 800
Click here to view larger

And I do love getting shots of Dandelions, I should get some more using my macro lens which would be better suited to a shot like this, but this was using by big zoom lens when I was out trying for shots of birds one day

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Sony A7iv 391mm F6.3 1/3200 Sec ISO 500
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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