Rare for me photos of people

Rare for me photos of people

Good Morning have a good day and weekend ahead

Something a little different for me and out of my comfort zone today photos when out and about, OK that's not unusual, but of people, something I seldom do I would love to do more street photography, but seldom do for two reasons often my walks are early morning and its still fairly dark, and secondly and the main reason is I just feel uncomfortable taking photos of people.

Its not so much I am scared of people reacting badly when I do as I have only had people react badly once and most time people either do not notice or do not seem to mind, I guess these days with everyone with cameras on their cell phones they are used to having there photos taken.

OK lets get to the photos, this first one was on a day they were having a car show in Downtown New Bedford and I went down to get some shots of the cars there, which I will share some shots of tomorrow, and mostly i was trying to get shots of the cars without people in shot, which was a challenge as there was a good crowd there.

But this lady saw me taking photos and posed and clearly wanted her photo taken so I took this shot.


Sony A7iv 44mm F8 1/200 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

this was one day when while waiting for my grand daughter to get out of school I walked down by the water and was taking a few shots and these two guys called out for me to take a photo of them


Sony A7iv 209mm F9 1/250 Sec ISO 125
Click here to view larger

Then they quickly walked up the ramp and off the pier and wanted a couple of shots closer in which I did


Sony A7iv 63mm F9 1/640 Sec ISO 125
Click here to view larger

They gave me their email and I sent them these photos but I never heard back from them


Sony A7iv 62mm F9 1/800 Sec ISO 125
Click here to view larger

and in the same area on a different day to finish off the post


Sony A7iv 182mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 200
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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