Mono Monday at the Zoo

Mono Monday at the Zoo

I was looking through my photos trying to decided what photos I could edit to keep my habit of sharign Mono Images on Mondays and then I thought about a recent visit I did tothe Zoo here in Buttonwood Park

Starting with a shot of this pair of Bald Eagles

Once abundant in North America, the bald eagle became rare in the mid-to-late 1900’s due to trapping, shooting, and poisoning as well as pesticide-caused reproductive failures. In 1978, the bald eagle was listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act. Since 1980, gentler treatment by humans along with the banning of DDT (the bird’s main pesticide threat) have led to a dramatic resurgence. This species has undergone a large and statistically significant increase over the last 40 years in North America, equating to a 779% increase over 40 years!

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Sony A7iv 365mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 250
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The Buttonwood Park Zoo, located in New Bedford, Massachusetts, is a zoo located in the center of Buttonwood Park. Opened in 1894, it is the third-oldest zoo in New England and the 12th-oldest zoo in the United States

Next up a Bison

Bison once roamed in herds numbering in the millions dominating prairie and forest ecosystems. In the 19th century, market, subsistence and recreational hunting nearly eliminated the bison throughout its range in North America. By the 1890s, there were fewer than 1,000 of these animals left on the continent. Conservation measures have brought about limited recovery in the wild and in captive conservation herds. Existing threats include habitat loss, hybridization in managed populations and low genetic diversity among individual herds.

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Sony A7iv 349mm F8 1/160 Sec ISO 100
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Located on a 7 acres (2.8 ha) campus, the zoo is owned and operated by the City of New Bedford, with the support of the Buttonwood Park Zoological Society

I think this is a red crowned crane

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Sony A7iv 117mm F8 1/320 Sec ISO 100
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and one of the elephants

there are two elephants and they are quit old At 64 years old, Ruth is one of the oldest Asian elephants in North America. Emily, 58 years old, and has been at the zoo for 54 years

Emily, the larger of the two, weighs in at roughly 8,000 pounds while Ruth weighs around 6,000 pounds. These beautiful ladies receive about 150 lbs of hay, 20 lbs of grain, 20 lbs of produce and 25 – 100 lbs of browse (maple, bamboo, etc) each day!! Their favorite treats include alfalfa cubes, dried fruit, watermelon and sugar cane

I am not sure which one this is

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Sony A7iv 232mm F8 1/160 Sec ISO 100
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And a bobcat

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Sony A7iv 384mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 640
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And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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