Mono Monday a few boats

Mono Monday a few boats

For this post I am back by the water with a few shots of boats, Some taken at the Port and other son walks by the water.
But lets start down by the piers and the commercial fishing boats , the two boats Pamela Ann and Paul + Michelle bow to Bow This looked OK in color, but I liked how mono made the details and ropes stand out more
But before I start with the Mono Images, today is Martin Luther King day here in the United States and I thought I would share a couple of his quotes that I still feel ring so true

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

Sadly these days watching the news, or looking on Social media hate seems to be rearing its head all over the world and is stronger than ever,, we cannot change the whole world, but I am a great believer, that we can take small actions that may change those around us lets start a wave of love and positivity around the world one person at a time

and one more of his quotes

The time is always right to do what is right

Lets all do the right thing, lets go out there smile at a stranger, do an act of random kindness and make the world a better place :)

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Sony A7iv 17mm F9 1.3 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Next up is the Boat Cindy Brown Tide, I have seen her docked at this location when walking on the Harbor walk, heading out to by Palmers Island, I thought she was some sort or freighter, but I looked her up for this post and she was built in 2011 and is actually a fire Fighting vessel, which I would never have guessed, she has quite a capacity of 3540 t DWT and is 81.1 Meters long and 17.07 Meters wide

I decided to go with a splash of color in this edit

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Sony A7iv 98mm F7.1 1/250 Sec ISO 200
Click here to view larger

When I looked across the water at these boats one morning, my mind went of thinking the cloud above the lasts was like the steam rising from the chimneys of an old steam boat, and of course being me the reflections also caught my eye

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Sony A7iv 24mm F8 1/80 Sec ISO 640
Click here to view larger

Another splash of color in the next edit, I guess these dinghies are used by people to get out to their boats anchored out on the water

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Sony A7iii 24mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 400
Click here to view larger

And not the best of photos to finish of the post but I do love when I see a ship like this sailing by, I took this shot along from East beach here in New Bedford as she was sailing back toward the port.

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Sony A7iii 240mm F8 1/6 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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TeamUSA is a Community for and supporting those from of in the United States, and now is in the process of rebuilding stronger than ever join us on Discord

!pinmapple 41.635944 lat -70.920507 long Pier New Bedford MA d3scr

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