Missing at another Christmas

It is that time of the year - presents are mostly bought, the house is getting clean, the ingredients for the food gathered and we have bought our first real Christmas tree for our family. At the moment it is thawing out a bit.

One thing is missing though ... for the second Christmas.

Viski, our dog.

Yesterday was the first anniversary of his passing, after we had to take him to the vet for his final moments. It was hard - but the right thing to do as he was in pain and it was only going to get worse. I miss him still. He had personality.

viski_xmas_3-12-16 (1 of 6).jpg

Christmas is a time that many of us remember the people we have lost, as it is so often a time that we collect together with family and close friends - so their lack of presence is felt, like an empty seat at the table, a story they would repeat every year, the flash of thought of what they might like as a present.

It is a bit different for me here, since I don't really have family that have shared stories from the past with me, so it is all on my wife's side. It is nice to listen to them share their stories and laugh together, but it is also bittersweet, as there is the reminder of loss and a sense of loneliness too. No story I can tell will connect with them emotionally - will lead them to reflect on their past - at least from a shared perspective. Those stories just don't exist, at least not yet.

I am looking forward to having these moments with my daughter, where she recalls her childhood memories at the table and the times things didn't go to plan. Maybe they weren't all funny at the time, but looking back, time reveals the humor in the moments and reminds of how simple life was. This may be why a lot of people look back at childhood through golden glass, as times were simple, no responsibility, no need to do, other than enjoy.

Of course, this innocence doesn't last for long and the perfect images start to crack and fade, as the truth seeps through - parents struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof overhead, economic and social failure, inequality, disaster, pain, hurt and violence in the world at every conceivable level and in every way imaginable and unimaginable. This world is a mess.

But, this could be why people get so attached to their pets, because they maintain their innocence, are unaware of all of the challenges we face and want nothing more than to keep us company, to have our attention, to give theirs to us. There is no complexity in the relationship, no communication problems, no need for social façade, it is simple - each can be themselves, trust in each others nature and accept as is.

Good day or bad day, Viski would come and sit next to my leg, throw his paw over like in the last picture and look up at me, asking for a scratch behind the ear. It didn't matter how I felt, I would always oblige and always feel better for it - never a word needed to pass between us.

We can never actually know what animals are thinking, but I can't imagine this dog having a bad thought about anything at all. A good life.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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