Looking to See

We are on the boat and I have a crazy spotty connection, with the ship WiFi even worse. Like I said, after a 5+ year daily posting streak, it will likely be something mundane that ends it. However, I am planning that

this will not be the day.

So, here are a few pictures I have managed to take so far and there will hopefully be more to come. If things go really well, the skies will stay clear and there will be some aurora at night.

bucket list dream of a great northern lights shot.


This trip was a surprise for Smallsteps and so far, she is pretty happy. Not only the trip, but we are also travelling with some family friends, which was a surprise too, though they don't have young kids, so it isn't as impactful - though she might get to test her chess skills with someone better than me.


This is a new cruise ship and has all the golden trimmings one would expect. It seems more geared towards adults though, with only a very limited play area for children. We didn't know this earlier, but our friends had already booked their trip and we tagged along.

We brought some books and games for Smallsteps anyway, so it should be fine and, we can entertain her like normal, which is through conversation and spoken games. We are lucky like that.


The ship otherwise is quite nice however and I think it might be okay for an adult cruise or if they have a special event. Once upon a time, they used to organize salsa parties once a year on a ship and this would work very well here. The big windows looking out to the Finnish archipelago are nice.

I'd love to have a seaside home one day.

It is a beautiful area, even in the winter and there is the sense of how remote it is.

After writing a few thousand words a day normally, this feels strange.

Now, it is back to activities (kids disco) and hopefully, this will actually find a connection and upload. If not, I will have to try again later.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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