looked at the softness that was there

I still want to write a lot about the situation in my village even though many people see it as mediocre. But that's not what I'm thinking about now. In fact, I always see a lot of memories in the rice fields which are always wet with morning dew, in some situations I always want to touch them even though However it was, every direction I had looked at that season.

When rice is quite young, there will be a beautiful song humming in each leaf, can you still hear it with your heart? In this corner I want to see clearly how soft it is in my village from the far side.

The sun increasingly wants to go home and so do I who don't want to leave for a while longer, with a simple camera I will save many stories from year to year, write many poems about yellow and green about those plants, now the time has come to go home immediately and have a good afternoon.

Take picture
Camera:Vivo x60
Edit: Lightroom
Location: Aceh

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