Wooden Beauty

11 September was the same day as usual. Day was going with the same routine. When i came back from job. I tapped on mobile and glanced on WhatsApp. There i read messages of friend saying to accompany him while he will be going to take herbal medicine. I had no answer except to go with him. After spending two leisure hours, he stood infront of my home. We rode towards Kalar Sayyadan, which is a small village and 14km away from home, not a big distance. This village is very near to motorway which leads to Lahore.

In middle of the way, we stopped near a tree of berries. We took some berries.My eyes got a beautiful view when Hot fire ball was in the sea of Sky.

Road was quiet,
Day was Bright.
No plight.

Firey ball was throwing so much heat but it's thanks to tall wooden creatures(trees) which were making the air fresh.

When we entered that village we got confuse because there were so many ways. We were not sure that where to go . Even we were going to right pathway but my friend became confuse and he turned his bike.

Fields in the village were loaded with green beauty. Water in the little canals was standing like cloud. Clouds move slowly but sometimes we don't feel their motion same was the case with water in the canal.

Wooden Beauties were making whispers with their flapping green little fingers. Air was not turbulent but slow.

Traffic of insects was busy in getting food.

Firey ball was making it's way through the leaves of trees.

Bricks were looking old. Their colour was fading away because they have seen the sun of everyday. Sun was still throwing it's rays to that wall and the shadow of trees was showing there.

Pinmapple code: [//]:# (!pinmapple 31.81383 lat 73.66841 long d3scr)

At last i want to thank @brittandjosie because of her i got to know that there is pinmapple site and one has to add his visits there. If you want to learn about that then read her blog [visit here.]

This is my entry for #Wednesdaywalk Initiated by @tattoodjay

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