Bhatwaan Of Parveen #1

Hi everyone, What a lazyyyy monday! Today I'll tell you a bit about "Bhatwaan".

Bhatwaan is the night before wedding at home of both the bride and groom. As there are a lot of rituals that have to happen on this day, i'll try to explain bit by bit. So I chose one of those today and that is called "Badhaw".

Badhaw is the moment where family of the bride or groom, especially women come to the place dancing around. They also bring a lot of sweets with them that is packed in those trays you see that they hold above their heads.

The women close in the family come dancing around as the lead is taking by the bride/groom, father's sisters. Along with them the other aunties come around.

I've picked two of those dancing moments and in the first photo you can see the groom.



Thanks for reading my article and i try to explain a lot more about our culture. If you have any questions, please leave it below.

With love,
Prasant Djewan

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