Anisha & Viraj Wedding

Welcome my friends

Hello and welcome to my new post.
This post is about this newly wed couple Viraj and Anisha.
I'm here to share some of their wedding and after party shots.
I hope you all will love my work.
I'm trying my best to learn photography and almost every day I learn something new.

It's just beautiful to know what you can do all with a photo cam.
It's like wonders you are performing. But sometimes the situation is so that you can't do much about it.

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Let's look at this first shot.
A classic Suri Click shot.
I asked the bride in to look in the cam while some other rituals where going on.
She just gave me the perfect shot.
What do you think?

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This is the entry moment, where the bride is brought by her parents.
She's holding a DIYA (candle) with flowers in her hand.
Her brothers and nephews are helping with the flower design over her head.
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This shot is at the after party.
Where they cheers with some champagne.
How do you like this editing compared to the wedding shot?

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I never get bored of the 35mm lens...
It does spectacular things!!!
Try it!

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How about this action moment photography where the bride is looking at the groom.
Couldn't capture it different..

Thanks for coming on my blog!

With love,
Prasant Djewan

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