Sunday hike


What a #beautifulsunday! The sun was finally out. We took advantage for an afternoon hike.


The forest was pretty with the snow cover although some of the trail was icy.


We started at about 3pm but the sun was down behind the mountains quickly.


We hiked up to Silver Lake in the Green Mountain National Forest.

Lake Silver

The shadows were already long at Silver Lake on this #sublimesunday.

Sunset at Silver Lake

Its about 1.5 miles up to the lake. Normally an easy hike but the icy made it a little tricky and it took a little longer.

Blue sky

The sky was blue but not really making to the forest floor in the late afternoon. There are camping sites by Silver Lake but all are closed down for the season. A "host" stays at the campground all summer.

Trail market

I took a photo of a National Forest Service sign just because it always seems like you should take at least one 😊

Lake Dunmore

The hike starts at Lake Dunmore. Silver Lake is about 200-300 ft higher than Lake Dunmore. The snowy peaks were still catching the sun even after the shadows were getting long in the afternoon. Happy Sunday ✌

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