Visiting The Sheep

It's time to visit the sheep at a local farm again.

This is the same farm I bought honey from a week ago. This time we visited the pastures to pet the sheep.

After all the rain storms here the pastures are nice and green and the sheep are pigging out on all this fresh grass.

When they aren't eating they are keeping cool in the shade. It is not that hot over here but for a sheep clothed in wool it can seem pretty hot for them. They will fill all the shady areas to cool down between grazing.

This one has noticed us near the fence.

Now it is coming over here to get some scratches behind the ears.

These guys are pretty dirty lol. They must be pretty itchy with all those stickers embedded in their wool.

Scratches are very valuable to them. They will line up for petting.

This one was quite thankful for the scratches behind the ears.

Now it is time to go back to feasting on grass.

Eating, drinking and sleeping the life of a sheep lol. The farmers have their work cut out for them with the sheering and worming, quite a chore. One of them told us it works out to about three dollars and hour for the amount of work they put in for the money they get back from the wool.

There are a few cows here as well. This time they were all hanging out in the barn for the shade.

They even had a calf born earlier this year. Maybe next time it will be out closer to the fence for petting.

This one is getting bothered by flies as usual. Poor things cry tears from the flies bugging them. The farmers put up fly paper but still there are so many flies. I've heard of people having success with parasitic wasps that break the fly life cycle by attacking the maggots. Three different wasp species can be used to reduce the fly menace Spalangia cameroni, Muscidifurax zaraptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus.

That's all for now, hopefully next time we go here we'll see the horses and the chickens. Thanks for looking :-)

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