My photography Tuesday 30 August 2022

Hi hive lovers all over the world, how are you? Hope you are well and happy today. Meet again with my blog which this time displays some photos about flowers, insects and fungi.

I got all these photos this morning when they still haven't disappeared so that it adds to the beauty of the photos I produce, here are the photos:

The name of this flower is Centrosema molle which grows the most among the shrubs but its beauty is extraordinary

This is a green fly with the scientific name Chrysomya megacephala

According to some sources the name of this insect is the pale green killer insect (Zelus luridus,).

This one is an extraordinary insect because of the perfect metamorphosis process and transforms into a new insect, a beautiful butterfly

In this photo there is a small insect by the name of Thysanoptera and the beauty of the morning that has not yet disappeared from the surface of this grass

And the last one is a fungus that grows from cassava stems that have started to rot

That's my post this time, I hope you photography and macrolphotography like it and thank you for visiting my blog

Photography by@siswadiexcmksi
LocationBogor , Indonesia
CameraSmartphone Redmi 5a
LensDefault Lens
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