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Chess Photography (4 Key Ideas to Know while taking Professional Chess Photos)

Is Chess Photography Any Different?


Yes it is,Taking pictures of people playing chess looks easy but if you really want to take good chess photos or if you are interested in chess photography,This are few ideas you need to know.
In this writing,i will be using photos taken by me in the last Chess tournament in Nigeria i attended.Chess Players Pictures Used in this blog has given me license for the post.
Photos were taken with Canon EOS M200 EF-M 15-45mm IS STM

Key Ideas

4. Avoid Making Distracting Sounds

Chess is a game that requires lot of focus and as a photographer you need to try as much as possible to avoid making such sounds. First,you need to try and stay at least 7 feet away from the players it gives you enough distance to get good shots.
Another distracting sound is that sound your DSLR or mirrorless camera makes which can be pretty distracting. It is best to turn on silent mode. With DSLR's silent mode, you might still hear a shutter but the difference will be more reduced as compared to the normal shutter click. With mirrorless,there is a chance that it will be silent

3. An Ideal Chess Photography Settings

The first step is your ISO choice.This setting is where you change your sensitivity of your sensor to light. The lowest value is usually 100 which works well with the sun. But in a dark room 100 won't cut it so you have to bump the ISO number untill your photos are clear enough. It is important to keep it 700 or under.
Next setting should be your shooting mode. This should be set to aperture priority which allows your camera to decide what the shutter speed will be.Set your maximum aperture(f/1.4 or f/1.8) which can help for a perfect blur photograph.

2. Facial Expression is Key

Have you ever wondered why chess players maintain a poker face while playing but then deviate when surprised by their opponent?.In my 10years of playing chess i most times maintain an emotionless Face. In Chess photography I call the deviations key moments as those expression are beautiful and Priceless
But yes it is difficult to know when those moment might happen. But there are few ways to catch the moment.
Wait for the player to make a move,Once they pick up a chess piece Adjust your lense to their opponent's face and wait for a response.

1. Chess players always love a good portrait

Most chess players i have taken pictures of always choose the portraits as their favourite. Taking portraits doing tournament allow you to bond with the players. Such Relationships with other people make a lot of difference as a photographer.Chess is more than just a game it's also about friendships,relationships.
In my recent post on Love and Chess I said "Chess is helplessly romantic"


Chess Photography maybe technical and Specialised but it teaches a lot about photography in general. It also help you build your skills and helps you handle and expect any moment without Fear.

To those who are reading until here:
If you love chess and want to play,There are three Chess chess tournaments done on Hive every week. One by @stayoutofherz on fridays ,Another on Saturdays by @schamangerbert and a new one on Sundays by @chessbrotherspro.
You can join The Chess Community for more information.

Bye! See you next time! And thanks for your attention.

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