Jungle moments, the beauty of the rainforest

Good day to you Hivers!

The birds are singing, the crypto markets are looking as green as the jungle and it is the weekend so lots to smile about! Take a look at some of the amazing sights indoors and outdoors in my favourite part of Southern Costa Rica where there is no clear definition between my garden and the jungle.

These green iguanas can get to a great size , they are super dense, heavy beings and crash through the trees at times, other times they sit silently like this one waiting for a meal to happen by. They blend in very well of course and can be hard to spot. What impressive creatures they are though! The different types and colours of scales make them look like they are wearing ornate bejewelled suits of armour!

This little guy is a regular visitor. He comes and sits on the balcony and lets me get really quite close to him. It is a real privilege to have such friendly neighbours.


The blue grey tanagers are so pretty. The feathers are a wondrous mix of shades of blues. Another common visitor I never tire of seeing.


Now I think but am not sure this is a weevil of some type. He looked like an average sort of bug with my less than perfect eyesight but when I zoomed in close with the camera his appearance took me by surprise a little. What a Shnozzle!!!


Paper wasps at work. These guys are all over the place but they never bother me. Never been stung. They build the most amazing strong nests.
Safe even through torrential rain storms and when I say torrential..... we'll I never knew so much water could fall out of the sky.. until I came to Costa Rica! LOL


This beautiful Lineated Woodpecker stands out in the green of the forest so well with his bright red crest. If it were not for that I think he would be quite difficult to spot.


Another visitor who I was honoured to hang out with. Birds to tend to hit my big glass windows sometimes so I get to pick them up and nurse them back to that comfortable place where they are ready to fly back to the jungle. They are never badly hurt but they do get dazed for a few minutes.


Squirrel monkeys pass every day in big groups playing around crazily and munching on fruits , nuts and flowers. I love them so much ( from a distance of course) My neighbours little boy sometimes holds up bananas in the air and they come and take them from his hand. Very cute!

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And lastly let me wish you a very happy CATURDAY! I have nine right now and they are all very happy, healthy and playful. They are so much fun to live with. I wish all your fluffs a wonderful day.


Thanks for stopping by, I always appreciate your visits.

Stay Wild, stay well. xxx

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