Checking out the North Sea

©2023 - Ruben Cress

Oi Hive!
We all have been blessed with many Sunrises and Sunsets. I probably haven't seen all of the Sunrises (or Sunsets) that occurred during my life, but the ones that I could capture made up for a fair count of awesome photographs in my archive.

Of course, Sunsets that I managed to capture during my stay at Terschelling are part of that archive. Speaking of 'archive', I've recently started writing all my blog posts in It's an insane tool to keep you productive, and clear-minded, and at the same time, you have the opportunity to organize your thoughts and knowledge. But more about that is for another post perhaps.

©2023 - Ruben Cress

This blog post is showcasing parts of Terschelling. There are two specific photographs that I __ enjoy looking at. The island is nice and calming to wander around to and the view of the North Sea is just different than when you're going to "Hoek van Holland" for example. There were plenty of people around that wanted to enjoy the island as well.

While there were plenty of people, it wasn't packed, unlike the streets of Amsterdam for example. There weren't that many people my age wandering around though, mostly older people. I don't blame them though. If you have nothing else to do, you might as well get some quality time well spent in nature.

©2023 - Ruben Cress

©2023 - Ruben Cress

Stuff I like doing while photographing

While I'm walking around with my camera, and take snapshots around me. I usually find myself thinking, or debating with myself about the ordinary (or extraordinary) things in life. Sometimes I'm just completely lost in thoughts, while I take my photographs. You could think about it as a new definition of being in the moment lol.

©2023 - Ruben Cress

Tranquility, checking out the North Sea

These two shots below are by far my favorite photographs from this series. Even though I edited them just a day ago. I feel they finally display the vision that I had when taking it years ago. There's just something about staring at small waves or moving water. I can really just look at it, and digest what I'm seeing. Love how these turned out.

Can you imagine? This is the North Sea. An immense huge pool of water. There's a whole new undiscovered world that we can't see. Just stare at the picture, and think about it, what do you see?

©2023 - Ruben Cress

©2023 - Ruben Cress

I honestly think that these low resolutions don't do it justice and photographs such as these would do very well on a huge print hanging on a wall, especially the last one.


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