So much colour - Fran

I'm usually shooting a bit on the dark side, I love low key stuff, I love dark images..

So, last weekends shoot with Fran was a change from the norm for me.. shes just an explosion of colour, with added sass thrown in for nothing... Colourful makeup / wigs / underwear / language.. she is brilliant...


This was a group shoot as explained on my previous post, and as such, I dont usually like to play with the lighting setup as it slows the shoot down for me and others.. BUT.. this studio had the same lighting setup as I have and we all had our own triggers.. So while other users were shooting at around f8, I could set the power on the lights to how I wanted them (less powerful) so I could shoot wide open f2 - f2.8 to make use of the fractal filters I had in the bag.


So, with me being able to use the fractals, I got a load of different shots to the other photographers using the same sets on the shoot. Which is a good thing one a group shoot.... You've got to do something different to everybody elses shots, otherwise once you've seen the first shot from that set, you've seen them all... A reason why I don't do many group shoots these days....

Another reason I like the fractal filters is they project more colour around the image... I know this sounds like a bit of an advert for them, It's not lol. I am not sponsored by them and other filters are available!!


And because of that, heres a 'clean' image, a simple 1 light beauty shot.. Gotta say, I'm loving this, I think I've done a decent job on the edit - you tell me!!! I hate to see some facial edits where the subject ends up looking like a plastic doll, or there is no facial texture in the face... We all have little imperfections, its what makes us different!

More to come from this shoot as i edit it.

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