Portraits of a Spanish musician with a flamenco style (ENG/ESP)


Greetings to all the members of this photography-loving community.
The important thing in a portrait session is to look for something that identifies the model, that has to do with her tastes or personality. In this case, it was a Spanish model who studies guitar, so we gave a Spanish touch to the environment and clothes.
To recreate the atmosphere, we put a wooden floor and some beige curtains in the back, we decorated with red flowers, trying to imitate a stage. The model was dressed in elegant clothes, very "flamenco" style, with her guitar.
The lighting was looking for those contrasts between the different textures, very directed towards the musician and her guitar. It is important to always try to highlight what interests us with the light, giving importance and meaning to what we want to portray.
I hope you like the pictures and as always, I wish you a happy day.


Saludos a todos los integrantes de esta comunidad amante de la fotografía.
Lo importante de una sesión de retrato, es buscar algo que identifique al modelo, que tenga que ver con sus gustos o su personalidad. En este caso, era una modelo española que estudia guitarra, así que le dimos un toque español al ambiente y a la ropa.
Para recrear el ambiente, pusimos un piso de madera y unas cortinas beige atrás, decoramos con flores rojas, tratando de imitar un escenario. La modelo tenía una ropa elegante, muy al estilo "flamenco" junto a su guitarra.
La iluminacion fue buscando esos contrastes entre las diferentes texturas, muy direccionadas hacia la músico y su guitarra. Es importante siempre tratar de destacar lo que nos interesa con la luz, dándole importancia y sentido a lo que queremos retratar.
Espero que les gusten las fotos y como siempre, les deseo un feliz día.







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