Anosmia, the hidden disability

While I am at it... Why not share with you another small series that I created as school-assignment? This time it is one showing life as an anosmic (a person that has no sense of smell). Without being able to smell anything, I am blind to some things that seem evident to others. It can turn into funny, but also dangerous situations and I have experienced all in my life....

It was clear that I wanted to make a series about this part of my life. But how do you capture something as invisible as smell? I started listing situations and slowly they turned into visual mini-stories.

I believe "art" shouldn't be explained too much, so I'll leave the exact interpretation to you. And who knows... maybe this will not be a finite series!




Want to learn more about anosmia? Read an old post I wrote about it.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column