Capturing the Magical Himalayan Flora above 10,000 Feet altitude.


Hiya Everyone!

Every been to a place still untouched, unexplored by the human beings... Ever wondered how would it be at that Heavenly Paradise....

So here we begin! Today I will be sharing few of the magical photographs of the Himalayan flora that grows above 10,000 feet form sea level.


All these photographs were form my recent Day Hike to Mahili Theel which is a place still unexplored, untouched by a lot of masses.

Mahili Theel a Grassland of Shanchar mountain which is above the altitude of 10,500 feet form the sea level.


Mahile Theel is above the Non-Vegetation zone where not tress and vegetation grows except few varieties of wild grass and tiny wild plants which are also used as a natural medicine for curing a lot of diseases.

These tiny medicinal magical plants are also known as Gadibooti in Local Language.

Different types of plants which grows at this altitude above non vegetation zone are used for curing different diseases. The distinguishing of these Gadi Booty can only be done by A Vaid (Ayurvedic Pharmacist).

These tiny plants were of different colour and different shapes. Fewer of them were growing at a single plant. As seen in this picture above.

Fewer of them were growing separately as seen in this picture.

Do these flowers even have their identity too..?

Do let me known guys if anyone of who passing by this post knowns about these wild flowers.

As seen in this picture which could be seen next after this one, Maybe this flower will be turning to the one which Is seen next to this.

After effect of the picture before this when turning to be fully grown.


These flowerers were totally different form the ones which could be seen in the picture above.

These purple flowers were gown at an altitude closer to the Non Vegetation Zone. The altitude where these flowers were seen growing was above 10,200 Feet above the sea level.

A glimpse of Natural Flower Meadows. Where these wild flowers were growing.


All these photographs were captured by me using my iPhone 12 and were edited suing Lightroom. Do let me know guys that which photograph you liked the most in the comment section.


So thats all for today guys. I hope you liked it.

Thanks for your Precious Time.🙏

Love form the Himalayas.

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