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Weeds are flowers too, Once you get to know them

Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them

Hello Everyone,

Everything is an ocean before you know, and Everything is a drop once you know. To know things is knowledgeable and today I have a beautiful flower bud, which I thought is a weed once.

These grow in wild and were slowly Cultivated in the human habitat. It is also true that the propagation of the plant is much easier and faster compared to other flowering plants. Same goes with dandalions too.

Years ago I got only one plant to my home. And today even after cutting down hundreds of them, they still grow and eaxh time in a different place.

They grow in different colors like white, pink and red. Here are some pink fellows

All photographs were captured using my dslr Nikon D5300 with 50mm lens. The creamy bokeh wouldn't have been possible with out the 50mm at f1.8
The photographs were light edited on photoshop express android application.

A cactus family member blooming. The flowe was not much colorful but the position, half a meter above the plant looked beautiful. Again the top view and bokeh focusing just the flower.

Some unexpected common street tree in pot. And their early colors before they grow young and green

Used coconut shell left on terrace for drying.

Hope you enjoyed the terrace adds of flowes and greens. Stay safe and stay happy.
Have a wonderful day 😊