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Hello Everyone !!!

I've been having so much fun exploring hive communities since i joined. Everyday i find something different that simply wanna make me try, and i am finding joy in things i never tried before.

After seeing some awesome photography posts, i decided to take the risk and try some myself.
I still don't have a professional or amateur camera, but i got some cool shots with my celphone, its a ONEPLUS 7.

I decided to start at home, and obviously went for the garden, where i spend most of my time these days (brazil is still in heavy lockdown).

Wandering around the garden trying to find something cool to shoot i started looking closely to the plants, flowers and trees, and those patterns, colours and forms were making me go crazy.

That's where things started geting hard. I had the perfect photos in front of me, but doesn't matter what i tried they ended up looking terrible, so i keep shooting till i get something i liked (my arms are hurt, it took a while).

So here are the best Pictures i could take :

1 - Oncidium variconsum (Orchid Specie)

This is a commun Orchid in Brazil and south american countries. One of my favorites so far, but i am still finding new species !

Couldn't decide between these 2 pictures, so here come both :

2 - Log Parasite

This tree got something going on with it and i dont know what it is, seems like there are some parasite or funghus eating it slowly, well it ended up with a cool pattern and shoot.

3 - Fuchsia hybrida (Orchid Specie)

This Orchid is also one of my favorites, and it seems to be the number one option for Hummingbirds, i waited for so long to picture it with the hummingbird, but when it got there i managed to take one of the worst pictures in history, ill try again in the future !!!

Ill start saving money right now for a good camera ! There are to many weird and cool things out there to photograph, gota catch em all...

Hope You Enjoy The Pictures !! Flowers and Nature are definitely amazing !!!