Winter Photo Challenge: winner announcement

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

I am excited to announce the winners of the Winter Photo Challenge that I hosted here on my blog last week. I actually have some troubles with the internet connection today (that´s also why I am posting so late) so let me be brief... The winners are:

@loulou1987 with this entry:


Jeseníky mountains, photo taken on Saturday during our hike to Vřesová studánka.

@gabrielatravels with this entry:


So happy to see this contest! Right in time with the heavy snow we had in the last days :D Subarini Park, Sibiu - 9th January 2021. It was my first gateway after heavy snow and way too much time spent at home lately, so I forgot about the cold temperatures or any other obstacles of not going outside and took a 9 km long walk into the park.

@liltammy with this entry:


The little colourful gem under snow blanket. City name sign Krakow, taken 13.1.

@cmplxty with this entry:


I enjoy city squares like that in the snowy weather. It’s fun to just see the city with blankets of snow all over the place. Makes for some interesting walking around! Really cool thanks for the little photo contest! This one here is my favorite from this year so far. We had some really early snow back in October! We spent a lot of time at the lake pictures here this summer and we went straight there when it snowed to capture some really cool snow pictures. I love the different colors in this one, given that autumn was still present but there’s snow everywhere. Hope you enjoy it! Cheers! Photo taken in New Hampshire.

@bucipuci with this entry:


V okolí Českých Budějovic napadl sníh už 6.1. :-) Můj obrázek je však z 10.1.21 z odpolední procházky. Cesta mezi poli východně od Č. Budějovic.

Congrats and thank you guys for your participation, I really appreciate you took a moment to share these beautiful pictures with us. It was my pleasure to upvote them.

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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