Panoramic Photography: aerial views of Krakow from helium balloon

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Today, I will take you on a special trip - an exciting ride (or should I say flight? :D) in a helium balloon. I know, you are probably more familiar with the hot air balloon but I was told that there are some important distinctions between these two types of aircraft so let´s be accurate and stick to the term helium balloon becauset this one in Krakow, Poland is really powered by helium.

Let me first provide you with some basic info & technical stuff about this popular attraction. The balloon is called Dobra Atmosfera (literally meaning Good Atmosphere) and I guess it´s run by a company of the same name. Located on the Wolynski Boulevard on the bank of the Wisla River, not far from the famous Wawel Castle, the balloon is tethered to the ground with a massive steel cable that allows it to hover anywhere between the ground and a height of 150 m (almost 500 ft), which is the maximum height of the ride. The platform can carry up to 30 people including the operator.

Just like any other lighter-than-air aircraft, the balloon can only fly in favorable weather conditions, which is why sometimes, during windy or rainy periods, the attraction may by closed even for several consecutive days. It´s also advisable to go for the ride when the visibility is good so that you can really enjoy all those spectacular views from above.

We were meaning to try this fun for a long time but the weather was unusually bad in spring earlier this year and it was not until about a month ago that we finally made it up there. It was an evening already and the sun was about to start setting so the sky was getting these beautiful, golden hour like shades but the visibility was still great and we really enjoyed all those breathtaking aerial views of the city and its surroundings.

Without further ado, let me now show you some of the photos that I took from the balloon at different heights, directions and angles.









I hope you liked these panoramic shots of the beautiful Polish city of Krakow. I don´t know in what resolution your Hive front ends will display the pictures but the originals are big enough for zooming and it was fun to zoom in on various parts of the city and recognize the streets, buildings, parks etc. In the first image, you can even some massive mountains with snow covered peaks in the background. I suppose these are the Tatra Mountains.

So that´s it for today, thanks for your attention everyone!

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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