Amazing people of Zanzibar, Tanzania - part 2

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

First of all, I would like to thank you guys for the absolutely amazing response to the first part of this series. Even though the post didn´t actually make it to the trending page, it still got dozens of nice comments and even more than a thousand of upvotes, which might well be the highest number of upvotes I have ever got on a single post :) Thank you so much! I take it as a proof that you really enjoy this content and I cannot wait to roll out the remaining parts of this photography mini series dedicated to the amazing people of Zanzibar. I thought I would publish the posts on Wednesdays, just I like did it last week with the opening post but I will probably be quite busy tomorrow so I hope you don´t mind me posting the second part of the series today on Tuesday.

Now if you haven´t checked out the first part yet, you can do it here before diving into the second batch of the photos that I recently took on Zanzibar and it´s quite recommended as the first part came with an introduction of Zanzibar and its people so you will understand the background of the pictures much better after reading the intro post. I think I also (partly subconsciously I guess) included most of my personal favorite shots in that post as I was so excited to start working on the series, browsing through all the pictures and editing them so yeah, the first batch was probably the best one but I still saved a lot of cool shots for the other parts of the series too and it´s my pleasure to share the second one with you now ;) Enjoy!





















I hope you liked the pictures. As you have probably noticed, a decent portion of these photos were taken on the beach or in the ocean and that´s actually quite telling as the ocean is so important to the locals many of whom work as fishermen and seaweed farmers. I will definitely tell you more about these interesting traditions of the island in separate posts ;)

Thanks for your attention everyone and stay tuned for more travel content from this magical Tanzanian archipelago called Zanzibar. Until then... Hakuna Matata!

Edit: You can find the other parts of the series below:

Amazing people of Zanzibar, Tanzania - part 1

Amazing people of Zanzibar, Tanzania - part 3

Amazing people of Zanzibar, Tanzania - part 4

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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