A lot of offline time in nature, very little online time on Hive

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

You might have noticed that I have lately complained about the lack of time for my Hive routine in some of my previous posts. I was hoping to get back on track and start catching up with everything I missed but in fact, it got even worse. It´s almost been a week since I read through my feed properly, left some meaningful comments on your posts and replied to the comments that I got myself. Sorry about that guys! It´s been actually very frustrating to realize this as my inner OCD (the disorder, not the Hive community :D) makes me do these things every single day and I feel weirdly uncomfortable whenever I have to miss out on anything from the above for some reason. And now, I´m like a week behind with everything! :/ Shame on me...

However, it was not my own decision but rather a massive combo of (real life) things and situations that have kept me unexpectedly busy for long days and maybe even weeks by now. The past week has been very turbulent for me with a plethora of different things such as various gigs, traveling, visiting my family and friends back in my Silesian hometown, attending some big sport games and, most noticeably, spending a lot of time outdoor.

I really like this part of the year when the late summer slowly transforms into the early fall and that´s also when I usually spend a lot of time out there in nature. This year, among other outdoorsy stuff, I have been having fun foraging for various fruits (mostly apples and pears), nuts (mostly walnuts) and mushrooms in parks and forests. The harvest has been very good this year (well at least it seems like that to me :D) so it´s been really nice and enjoyable to be out there in the fresh air, doing these kinds of outdoor activities.

I have been documenting all of that too by taking pictures of course so when the busy times are over, I will definitely try to share some pieces of what I have been lately doing through posts here on my Hive blog and I´m excited to come with this mushroomy post today as a little trailer :)

I have been on several mushroom hunts at various places lately but it were the recent ones in the forests near my mom´s countryside house in rural Silesia where I have been most successful so far. These hunts are actually very fresh as I was there yesterday and today. I found so many beautiful and delicious mushrooms in a very short time over there. Usually, when mushroom hunting in those forests, I have to spend at least several hours scouring the ground to fill the basket but this year, the mushrooms are so plentiful that you can, as we say here, "mow them with a scythe" :)

But enough talking. Let me show you some pictures instead. We will start out in the field... (for some mysterious reason, my old phone camera often refuses to focus on the actual mushroom, no matter how hard I try to convince him to do that so most of the mushrooms below are kind of blurred)








The basket was filling really fast...



And here is the final haul. I mean just a little part of it, I didn´t take pictures of all the mushrooms that I picked ;)





Then, the mushrooms were cleaned, chopped, salted, stewed and frozen so now they are ready to be used in a sauce, soup or whatever :)


So yeah, that was one of the things that have kept me busy lately. I cannot wait to show you the other ones too but I also cannot wait to finally start catching up with everything I have missed here on Hive! I will start tomorrow and I´m really looking forward to being active here every day again :) Thanks for your understanding and patience guys!

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Sport, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)

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