Fences or "do you need a mug"?

Need a mug?

The other day I was walking "over the hump" and passed a row of fences. Many of them were decorated with a mugs. In fact, there were hundreds and hundreds of these mugs on the fences.

If someone needed a mug urgently...

I wondered if these "mug fences" were just a Czech specialty or if they were common elsewhere.

Maybe it took years to accumulate so many mugs. Or does OBI used to have a "mugs on the fence" event where you could buy a container of various mugs just for this purpose? Maybe it would be an interesting business project to sell mugs for the fence.

Potřebujete hrnek?

Nedávno jsem šel "za humny" a procházel jsem kolem řady plotů. Mnoho z nich bylo ozdobeno hrnk. Vlastně těch hrnků na plotech byly stovky a stovky.

Kdyby někdo nutně potřeboval hrnek...

Napadlo mě, jestli tyto "hrnkové ploty" jsou jen česká specialita nebo jestli jsou obvyklé i jinde.

Možná to trvalo roky, než se nastřádalo tolik hrnků. Nebo bývá v OBI akce "hrnky na plot", kdy se dá koupit paleta rozličných hrnků právě pro tento účel? Možná by to byl zajímavý byznis projekt, prodávat hrnky na plot.

Speaking of fences... A company that sells and repairs pianos has a fence like this.

Když už jsme u těch plotů... Takový plot má firma, která prodává a opravuje klavíry.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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