Traveling to visit another town.

We were at the edge of the winelands and my previous posts have shown our base camp.

We spent two days at a bush tented lodge and as usual we wanted to explore the area and a few farming towns. In this post, we were traveling from Robertson to Montagu, and you can see the town of Montagu Here

I have also included a link for you to see the Robertson area Here

At first we had to drive across this multi dollar bridge at the small town of Ashton on the way to the mountain pass that leads to the town called Montagu.

Now I am not much of a town photographer, as I rather prefer to show the roads, the passes and the landscapes.



They say that if you cannot go around the mountain, then go through the mountain.

Out on the other side, the sky had a lovely blue color.

As usual a church dominates the town, but I saw something else that I have never seen before,

Two trees were packed with live Sacred Ibis birds.
In this photo below a male Ibis was having a go at a female at the right hand side and the two guys at the left were encouraging him.

Now when I say that the trees were packed with birds, there were hundreds of them.

Then it was time to go again and we were on our way back.

Some council workers were water spraying the growth at the side of the roads and I think that it gets done for the growth to secure the ground in order to avoid rock falls.

Finally we were over the pass and back on the open road again.

I could have placed 50 photos in here, but it would be a very long post, so I only selected these photos to give you a basic idea about the beauty that is available to us in this country.

Each town or city has things of attraction and its own uniqueness. Sadly, we had friends in Montagu that were booked at a hot spring and we wanted to visit them in order to have a swim in the hot pools, but it didn't work out as the place that they were staying has a ban on day visitors.
I think it is in order to avoid the general public of the town streaming to the hot springs.

Now I don't know if I like this idea of banning day visitors, simply because nature is meant for everyone and nobody should try to own nature. We have many of these cases where private ownership of the land denies visitors access and I don't think that is right.
So we could not get to the hot springs and it was a bit sad.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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