Remember the old E-Type Jaguars ?

I will show you some classics in my end of the world today.

It was very hot in the shed, so I snapped a few shots and then got out of there.

The shed is not going to run away and on a cooler day I will return to snap a full itenary of its contents. So in the meantime I have a few teasers for you here. They also make their own craft beer, but that will be for another post. For now, let me show you this and I hope that you will enjoy it.


Did I tell you that they make their own craft beers. We passed a sales tent at the front of the shed. I don't drink, so I cannot tell you about their taste.


An old gas filling pump by Shell.

I think that they used to fill the tanks of the E-Types at the races with these kinds of pumps. But I will meet with the owner of the shed to get the full story.


Now as an ex-biker I just had to show you this.

An old BSA Bantam.

I told you that it is an old bike.

This glass treasure chest was situated at the entrance to the shed.

We are at 29C degrees today and yes, it is a hot Sunday. Makes me long back for the nice weather of the early spring season before the dragonflies emerged. The drags are my signal that summer has arrived and the African sun is famous for its blazing heat. It did not trouble me at all in my younger days, but nowadays it's a real problem.
In any case, my intention was to show you something out of the norm and I hope that you found it interesting.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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