RE: The last dark walk.

Thank you Bob, and luckily the place has a big generator to counter the power cuts.

Yep! I like your take on it, and I treated the scorpion with due respect.

Wonderful natural water, and one can feel the pains drain away while floating like that. I was wondering who would stand up to defend Marian and like the gent that you are, you stepped right up to the plate. I was only teasing her, as she reads and edits all of my posts before I submit them.
So, I have also now showed her your reply and she is very chuffed with you.

I am not a moaner and tried in my own way to uplift Lizzies spirit, as colonoscopy's have the habit of leaving people traumatized. My own situation was dreadful to endure and if only the root cause was found, then it would be okay. What I didn't tell her was that I will not be going back, or maybe I did, but now I just tough things out. My iron level is critical and tiredness, including heart palpitations are par for the course, but I just carry on, come what may.
I am sure that the Lord will fix me, as He has always done before.

Blessings to you guys and the family.


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