RE: The last dark walk.

Hi Hannes,

I believe that my grandma said that anything that is bitter is good for the body. But now who likes bitter things?. Black tea with sugar is great 😉

Oh yes, the differences are what makes us tick, and there is plenty of alternatives to be found in nature.
Those 2 duck shots are splendid my friend, and I hope that soon you will show me some eagle shots. The only difference is that eagles are not as patient as the lovely ducks 😜 !LOLZ

Oh, at 15C, I thought that you would go for a swim and lay on your towel in the sun 🤣🤣🤣

By now you have seen the plane on the moon, and it was so unexpected that I only had a few seconds to get it. Had I known that it was coming, I would have zoomed much closer, and it took me totally by surprise. Another joke on me by Mother nature 🥴😲😉

I hope that the rain stopped to allow you to take some photos my friend 🙏

Wednesday is still durable for a few shots in the garden, but we have another of those hectic winds going to today. Apart from the rain, I hope as I said above, that you will also get some shots in 😊

Cheers and thanks.

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