Random colors in nature, birds and all sorts.

It is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so come and select the pics of your choice.

I have tried in here to cater for the different likes that we all have.

What I like many of you won't like, but that has always been okay with me as we all have different passions. My passion happens to be the beauty of nature and all that it beholds for one's eyes and mind. As I have said so many times before, nature has the habit of restoring one's soul and mental wellbeing. So it is indeed one of my doctors, and I have quite a few doctors now.
You will see some pictures in different settings here, so come and have a look.


This just couldn't be true, as I heard that familiar call and I couldn't believe my ears. So instead I patiently waited until I heard the call again and then I started the search. Oh yes, I was so happy to find him.

He had a look at me here below as he landed on a paradise flower.

And then he popped up into a tree. This is a Malachite Sunbird (Nectarinia famosa) and they normally disappear when the cold of our winter starts. But not this guy, as he must have decided to stay over.

A lovely reflection shade of the sun in a cloud, in the shadows of a pond.

And here's a leaf floating in the same pond, out of the shadows of the trees.

This is a colorful beauty, and they are now almost all off the trees. The trees are taking off their dresses to sleep during winter, and then to change into new clothes during spring.

I just also had to get this leaf bobbing on the water.

This Olive Thrush was sitting on a table and scanning the trees for his wife.

I forgot the name of this flower, and I know that Marian knows it but she is busy marking exams of her many degree students. So I will not bother her, but it is some beauty before the winter starts.

You will see here, that it is almost full moon, and let's hope that our skies stay clear of clouds.

What can I say? Beauty is all around us, and quite recently a strange thing happened, as snow fell in a town in the Karoo. We don't often get snow here, except for a dusting on the mountain peaks, so it is not very common for snow to fall especially in the Karoo, as it is normally a very dry province. Maybe with a bit of luck and hope, we could also get some snow here in our province soon.

But I digress, as I really wanted to show you some nice pictures today. Be that as it may, nature also holds many natural medicines and I quite jokingly, sometimes, call it my hospital. Nothing is better than to sit on a rock, or in the shade of a big old oak tree with miles of views all around. The mountains also add a special character of solidness to the scenes. And so I hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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