I got two new bird species on camera.

Now what is this and no, it is not an escaped pet bird?

Imagine how happy I was to see this when I transferred the photos from my camera into the PC.

Years ago, this was all farmland and eventually they built a city here. In later years, a much bigger city was built and this city was declared as a suburb of the bigger city. The birds will not remember this, but through the generations, they have continued to stay here, blending in over the years with the new surrounds that man made.
I had the sun in my eyes, as I saw this little guy landing on the property's fence. I also have another new bird to show you.
Come and see.

I sat on the bench under that tree on the third day of my hospital experience, waiting for the sunset.

This is a small and wild green Parrakeet called a Rosy Faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicallis).


Feral populations now occur in a number of South African cities, often in flocks. They carry their nesting material under their rump feathers. They are nomads in dry, broad-leafed woodland, semi-desert, and mountainous terrain.

And here is the second new bird.

This is an Acacia Pied Barbet (Tricholaema leucomelas).

Near endemic resident in woodland and savanna, especially arid acacia woodland; also stands of alien trees and gardens.


And now for some other birds.

This little Cape Sparrow enjoyed the sun and the flowers.

Here we had one member of the gutter cleaning crews, a female Red-winged Starling, picking up some nesting material.

And finally, an Olive Thrush with supper.

Here, at last, the sunset arrived. And the skies were all yellow.

My way of healing is always to get outside as soon as I can. Regardless of pain or weakness, if I can sit on a bench outside then it makes me feel so much better. Nature has always had that effect on me, as I am one of those restless souls that can easily get trapped inside. No office job for me, ever, as I have tried a few times with not much success.
Fresh air, sunlight, and nature have very good healing powers. And it is not a pill that one has to put in a glass, to find false comfort.
Just my way of going through life.

I hope you have enjoyed the photos and the story.

Note: Bird information taken from a book:
Birds of Southern Africa ISBN: 978-1-77584-668-0

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

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