Come and see how a cloud swallows the mountains.

The signal towers are mounted at the right end of the mountain range, and I used it as a target to show you some magic.

I hope that you can see the signal towers on the top of that mountain.

Oh yes, I have posted about some of the weather changes here in our area before and one would never expect the views to change dramatically in a matter of 4 hours. But so it did.
The day started bright and beautiful and I had a fun time with my camera, but about an hour later I saw some telltale signs of possible rain appearing. How? you may ask and I will answer "easily" as one only has to keep an eye on the clouds.
So come and see what happened.

Here below is a better view of the signal towers when we arrived.

A lovely morning, but have a look at the clouds in the background.


Slowly, slowly the clouds started to become denser.


The sun was trying its best to hang on.

Here's a close up on my zoom of the photo above.

And then look what happened here below.

Finito! And the cloud started to swallow the entire mountain range.

I took this shot on the way to our car.

And finally, I think that you will agree that it was time for us to go back home.

I can tell you that by the time that we got home, the entire sky was clouded over. Almost as if there was no sunshine for the whole day. Sadly no rain as yet, but I didn't expect any, as the clouds came over from the wrong direction. We get our rain when the clouds flow down from the north to the south and today's clouds came over from the south to the north-east.
As I am out in nature so often, it pays to learn the weather patterns in order to avoid some unexpected mishaps, such as being caught outside in a heavy downpour. It happened to me a few times when we just arrived in this area, but since then, not again.

Why is it that one, or some, always has to feel before one would listen? In my case, I am a stubborn guy and at times I think maybe a bit too stubborn. But when I tackle something, you can be sure that I will finish it. Of course, at times it has cost me much heartache and pain, but I have always been alright, as I don't care much about the things of this world.
There are millions in this country that are much worse off than I am and we try to help as many as we can. Just our way of life.
I take a deep interest in things that others take for granted and my stubbornness helps me to get the things that I have shown you here today.
So, a luta continua.

I hope that you have enjoyed the picture story.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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