A war in the sky.

The assault was in preparation, but the enemy's spies kept a close watch.

This was a fight between the wind from the east and the wind from the west.

At the east you can see how the clouds were building up in a dense and foggy sky. The commander of the eastern wind was gathering his thermal forces, and they were prepping an assault against their arch enemy, being the western wind that rules the ocean. It is a centuries old battle, and over time none of them could occupy the other's territory. Maybe this would be a day of victory for the eastern wind. But I already told you that the western wind had it's spies out to watch and report the eastern wind's maneuvers.
Let's have a look at the battle.

Here below is a wider look at the tag picture.

Later in the day, the eastern wind sent out a light feeler to see if the western wind would respond, and the western wind's commander responded with some feeble gusts to lull the eastern wind into the thought that the western wind was ill prepared.

So, the eastern wind launched a full attack by sending its clouds in at speed. But to its surprise, the western winds were waiting and when the order for attack came, the troops started cutting the solid clouds into ribbons.

The eastern winds commander panicked, as he watched his clouds being decimated, and pushed into a left broadside position. Just as a ship should never turn parallel to a huge ocean wave, as it would be toppled and swamped, Look below at the conclusion.

The western wind released its full forces and cut the western wind forces apart. Of course the eastern winds commander and his cronies were the first to flee back towards the east, while the sun evaporated the thin lines of its forces.

Later all was at peace and the western wind commander pushed some of its sentries out to do the night watch

The inland enemy was defeated and the conqueror with his troops held a party above the ocean.

Late night and the winds were asleep.

I think that this was a great military tactic, especially to hide the full forces while the advance squads engage in the battle, and then unleash the force to attack when the enemy was moved into a broadside position. Now this is how my mind works, as many times I see the unexpected in nature, and my mind converts it into a story. Pictures without a story is like having a party without music :))
Such is life.

I hope that you liked the story and the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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