Black Forest- Two views of the same place

Hello, how is everyone?

Today I bring you some pictures from the Black Forest in Germany, which is crossed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Black Sea.
I had the opportunity to visit this country on two different occasions and fortunately in two different seasons.

The Black Forest is beautiful and covered in snow even more so.
The immensity of the place is overwhelming, and it is so called because the vegetation is very dark and dense. When you look at it, it looks like you're in the middle of the forest from Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. Everything is calm and life seems to be on standby... You can hear and breath the silence...

Until Spring arrives... With it the forest begins to come to life, its inhabitants return to their routines.
Being able to witness life happening is wonderful.
Hiking is part of our family. We are very grateful to be able to experience different places, people and cultures. This place is special.
My perspective on places varies with the season, as does my mood 😊 I love sunny days (even if it's cold).

They warm my soul and make me happy.
The forest is amazing covered in snow but for me the spring time is really more beautiful. Being able to see it come alive after the winter was a blast.

I hope you enjoyed.
With love @onyfest 😊

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