A small flower with a small insect.

Hello everyone in this great community of photography lovers, on my last visit trip to Camaguey we ventured to a beautiful field that is in the municipality of Minas, when I entered that natural environment my eyes quickly went to some small bllanca flowers that abounded in that area.

Quickly and as usual while everyone was on their way I sit on the floor and start taking photos of it, that day the sun was radiant, which helped me with the lighting so that today I can show you these photos of such a beautiful fllor and that being so small it goes unnoticed before the eyes.

When I start to see the photos I realize that they had insects in their leaves, it is very nice to be able to capture these moments and be able to appreciate these details that make every little thing unique in nature.

Photos taken from my Iphone X
My Original Image @nicolelorena

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