Natural Countryside Landscape

The landscapes are very beautiful, they make us be distracted and at peace for a moment, although I haven't captured many landscapes, because I haven't been out much, but I have captured some in very close places.

When I go to observe these country places, I get very distracted and that's what I like, because I forget about my problems, nature attracts you and it's incredible to know that.

This photograph that you see above, I have captured it a long time ago, I like to keep these memories, to share it with you, this day that I captured these photos, I was at home doing nothing, I was still in quarantine.

As I was tired of being at home and seeing those four walls, I told my grandfather to go to the countryside, you have to go out, because if you don't know it, if you as a person don't go out and stay locked up in the same place, you will be sad, that has happened to me a lot, so I recommend that if you have the opportunity to go out to incredible places, don't waste it and go.

As I was telling you I told my grandfather to go out to the country, he told me it was fine, he has a field near where we live, which is beautiful, I like to go a lot but most of the time I do not like to go, the sun in the morning is very strong, it burns you and gives you more heat, in the afternoons, when the sun is hidden, it is strong but when it is hiding, it is not so strong.

This day after talking with my grandfather, he passed me looking for, in the afternoon, the road to the countryside, it is also very nice, there is a part of the road, where you see some very distant mountains, then you go through some places that are inclined to get there, it tires a little but it's worth it.

Finally capture these beautiful photographs, in the golden hour, photographers should know, which is the golden hour, is from 5:30 pm, the photos come out with an incredible golden color, for portraits, is good this time and in the morning too.

I climbed a small mountain, I stayed for a moment distracted, you could hear many birds around singing, that is very beautiful, there were dragonflies of many bright colors, just thinking about how beautiful it feels to live, when we see places like these full of peace, the problems are forgotten and you just want to breathe, fresh air.

Finally after so much thinking about the good things in life, I remembered that I had to capture the photos haha I had forgotten, I almost lost the good light, finally I was able to capture this incredible landscape.


The last photo I captured, was this one you see here, the sun was already setting, I didn't want to add any editing, so they look very beautiful natural

I hope you like the pictures I have captured and the story I have told you.

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