Getting to Know Nature

Hello friends welcome to a new publication today I am very happy because I will be sharing some photos that I have captured of this very nice place, it is a road and I loved how this place looks, in Venezuela there are states that have green forests all year round and there are places that have dry forests throughout the year, the state where I live the forests are dry, as you can see in the photo, when the winter comes the place looks very nice because all the plants are green, but that lasts very little, because then it starts to dry very fast, the summer comes very fast, but this happens because the climate is very warm in this state the sun is very strong.

I knew this place because we were exploring a lake when it was time to leave very fast, so we were talking on the road when suddenly, we realized that we were lost, we saw a road so we followed that road, there was where we noticed that we were far away and that we were lost because we could see the mountain where we had passed early, we thought about cutting the road to get to the place faster, but we did not want to because it could be very dangerous, because there are animals and this place has many snakes, We thought about cutting the road to get to the place faster, but we didn't want to because it could be very dangerous, because there are animals and this place has many rattlesnakes so it was going to be a risk to cut the road because there were many plants and we could get lost much more.

That day on the road I saw a lot of insects so I stopped quickly to capture some photos to share with you here, the good thing is that I met these beautiful places that I had never seen before because when I was on the road you could see the beautiful nature.

I saw a lake on the side of the road, which I quickly took advantage of to capture a spider that I saw, all these photos were taken quickly because it was already starting to get dark.

Here you can see the spider, I don't know what kind of spider it is because of the clarity, but when I saw it, it was swimming very fast.

Continuing on the road and lost, we found a man and a lady, they were herding their cows, so we asked them and they told us to follow the road with them because the road could be cut but further ahead, in a place where there are no plants apparently is another way that people have to go out.


The weather was like this when it was already getting dark, the good thing is that the gentleman told us that we were already close, I got to know a lot of nature even though we were lost.


Here you can see this last photo of the road I have captured, I really enjoyed this trip despite being lost, very soon I will be showing you all the photos I have captured of nature and insects.

Thank you for reading

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