Orchard Oasis: Finding Calm Away from the Chaos

Hello hive family. I hope you all are healthy.

Friends, it rained here last night. Due to which the temperature has dropped slightly.

There is good sunshine in the morning and there are light clouds in the sky. After finishing the household and market work, I went with my mother to the jungle to bring green grass to the cow.

These days, green grass has started growing in the forest. So we give green grass to our cows. Cows give more milk by eating green grass. Due to which we sell more milk in the market and our income increases.
After lunch, I rest, watch videos on mobile and pass my time on Instagram. In the evening, as usual, I spend my time with the chickens and then go for a walk in the garden. During this time, I take pictures of apples, cherries and some flowers in my garden. Today I again took some pictures of the ball of Common Poppy flowers in which I have made their eyes with a fork. Common poppy plants look like a family. There is not much work in the garden these days.

Friends, I am sharing with you some pictures which I have taken with Sony a58 18-55mm kit lens and I have also edited them on Snapseed. I hope you all will like these pictures.

Thank you..🙏

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.

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