Home Again: Embracing the Simple Life in Narkanda

Hello hive family. I hope you all are healthy.

Friends, after spending four days in Bir, I have now reached home. I could not write the blog due to travel constraints.
As soon as I reached home, I got busy with my household chores. The weather here is quite good, it is sunny during the day and cool winds blow in the morning and evening. Today I am going to share my daily routine with you all.

In the morning, after doing yoga for half an hour under the cherry tree (along with doing yoga under the cherry tree, I also guard the cherries from birds), I take a bath and go to Narkanda market to get milk. My mother feeds the cows and chickens and also prepares breakfast for me. These days many tourists have come to visit Narkanda Market. The cool weather here and the forests of evergreen trees surrounding Narkanda Market attract tourists. Cherry season has also started. Due to the arrival of tourists, our cherries are being sold at good prices in the market. After coming home from the market, I have breakfast and because of the heat, I sleep for a while.

During the day I go for a walk in the orchards. The cherries are now completely ready which we will pluck within a day or two. The size of the apple has also become that of a walnut. Apple harvest here takes place in September. I also planted some poppy plants which will flower after two days. Apricots are still raw and will be completely ready in June.

After returning from the garden, I let the chickens out to feed and also feed them cherries and grapes. In the evening I go to the forest with my mother to get green grass for the cow.

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.

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