Snowy Mountain Escapade: An Unforgettable Mountain Trip

Hello everyone!!
I hope everything is going well n good and I'm also spending my time great. Today I decided to share an exciting mountain trip during snowfall last year with my uncle and my friends. It was in the winters, I think it was in last days of January, we decided to go at mountains because the mountains were covered with the snow and it really looks amazing from our town so, it was our first time going on mountains during snowfall that's why my father didn't allowed us to go alone there so, I decided to take my uncle with us first he refused to go but we convinced him and he gets ready to go with us.

I think it was 1 p.m. we decided to move on, the way from our house to the foot of the mountain is half an hour so, it was 1:30 p.m. we reached the foot of the mountain. We carry 2 bags with us in which we took some packets of chips, cold drinks and biscuits. I carried one bag on my shoulders and the one bag I gave it to one of my friends who have good stamina like me so, from the starting of the mountain to the end of the mountain we only switched two times the bags but we didn't gave the bag to our uncle because he is old and doesn't have stamina like we have so, that's why we 4 switched the bags with each other till the end.

It took us about 1 an a half hour until we reached at the top of the mountain. We all were very tired and happy too because it was the first time we saw snowfall in the mountains. We had a lot of fun while climbing the mountain, it was a lot of snow in the way so we make a team of 2 from each side and started hitting our opponents with snow. Our uncle also enjoyed with us, he was telling us that to be careful while climbing the mountains because the way was quite slippy so, we all obeyed all the precautions what our uncle said to us.

We all took many photos with my camera. I forgot to tell you that I have a canon camera that is really great. Its model is canon 60D, I bought this camera while collecting little money each month from my pocket money. Once or twice in a month we go for a photoshoot and whatever the pictures we took I first take it out in my mobile phone then I apply some editing into it from the editing app that is lightroom, its an free editing app which you can easily install it from play store.

So, I took pictures of ourselves, my uncle, group photo of our friends and the pic of the snow. Its being snowing and you cant make a snowman, it cant happen. When me and my friends were taking pictures my uncle was busy in making of the snowman. When out photoshoot was done we came to our uncle, he really made a wonderful snowman. I again take out the camera and took a picture of snowman because it was looking great.

So we enjoyed a lot there when everything was done we decided to go back home. It was 5 p.m. we started coming down from the mountain. At one place god saved me, my leg was slipped and I was very near to fall down from the mountain. At that moment my heartbeat was stopped for a while and I felt really scared because if I slip from that point it was hard to for me to save my life so, I was very thankful to god for saving my life.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading my post and lemme know in the comments section that what else we should do there while snowfall because there was a little amount of thinking in our minds so, if have have any idea you can tell me.

Thank you for sticking with me till the end

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