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Beautiful Sunday (just flowers)


A bad day can change into a beautiful day depending on how you want it. Disappointment is just one of the reasons why some of us refused to consider having a beautiful day. It's important to think beautiful where you can be influenced to be happy. Don't underestimate the power of feeling beautiful because it can make someone feel great and forget the worries in life. It's unavoidable, that feeling of not wanting to be happy but it can be avoided. All you need is to open your heart and appreciate life.

closer look

Hey guys, it's another day and it's Sunday again we're having now. Do you know that @ace108 has the #beautifulsunday tag initiative? I suggest you should try joining when you're having an awesome Sunday. No, pressure and just let yourself feel free and start writing how your day went. It's nice and it feels refreshing not thinking so much about what to write.

closer look

Flower. It's one of the things in this world we can tell life is beautiful. You can tell by just watching it, you will feel beautiful not knowing why. Well, there are a lot of things we don't understand why we suddenly feel it so troubling ourselves to think deeper will be of no use. Let it flow and just let it be because it's not bad, instead it feels better.

Today, I was cycling with our old bicycle. I noticed only a few people I saw in the streets. It's understandable because the covid still exists and the number of cases here is going up. Strict health protocols are again implemented even though it sorrows me because Christmas is coming.

Earlier I roamed around in the town. Not cycling fast, but just a freecycle like there's nothing to worry about. All I wanted was to see the environment while taking a breath of the colorful wind from the province. It tasted different compared to Cities which are black and dirty because of factories and vehicles.

I accidentally took a glance at those flowers. It wasn't my intention to search for flowers to share here but it just came now after I felt delighted. Of course, the flowers inspired me to feel this way by seeing how beautiful they were.

I grabbed my phone and then captured the flowers that I thought were pretty. I'm not saying they should be pretty to all of us because we all have different tastes or understandings about it. Even so, I continued cycling which was not my plan when I started riding a bicycle.

Riding and riding with the bicycle. Kept looking at the surroundings while not thinking of anything. I continued cycling and stopped when I saw another flower that I found pretty.

It's really nice to ride on a bicycle because you can sightsee in the surrounding area. I didn't notice the sweat that was falling and I realized I was getting tired. I just then went home and staying to rest while writing this content.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fitted to my article.


Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, have fun with me talking about life events and random activities. It's fun to learn about life, don't hesitate, let's figure it out as we continue enjoying staying in this world.