Deranged Photography Contest - Best Shots

Maza is a real poser, and I love photos with her. She has gorgeous eyes, and I love how she has same colors as background here
This is my phone background, and one of my favorite photos. I don't know why, I just love it. Sorry for big sign over it, couldn't upload original from computer
Tom was crazy as kitten and I have few photos of him like this, but this one probably shows his personality at the time the best
This is photo of my home at winter holidays. There is no place like home <3
I love to drink coffee and I love to take photos of it, this is one of my favorites that I took.
Probably my favorite photo of my dog Teddy, because it was in winter time, at snow, and very spontanious
This photo I took this winter, and I love composition of it. It was taken at Kalemegdan fortress.
Another photo of Maza, and again, she blends with background.
Just one of many flower photos that I have, I chose this one because bees are also there
For sure not the best photo that I have, but it is moon and I love moon, and before I couldn't make photo of the moon like this

Hello guys, I am here with my entry for Deranged Photography Contest - Amateur tire, by @derangedvisions. This week's theme is best shots. I have to say this often change for me, as I make new photos I always change which is my favorite. This doesn't mean they are best, but simply the ones that I love the most at the moment. I will try to make one photo for each photography theme that I love - animals, flower, coffee, moon, and some random photos that I like as well. I believe this one will be hard to win since everyone will share their best shots, but why not give it a try. I will make captions under each photo with a little description about it.

For sure I am not best judge of my photos because I am not so objective, and I chose photos with things that I like (cat, dogs, coffee, moon) but I hope you will like them, and find some of them good.

Thank you for reading my post ^^

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