My Consent Doggy Nephew / Mi Consentido Sobrino Perruno

Un Tierno Cachorrito / A Tender Puppy


Él es Pocho, un hermoso perrito que ha llegado a la vida de uno de mis mejores amigos, quien se ha convertido en mi hermano, donde se convirtio en el regalo más hermoso que pude darle a su vida.

En su momento, despues de tantas perdidas en su vida, Pocho vino a regalarle sonrisas a mi amigo Jose, quien aunque se ha quedado solo en su vida, no se nego en la oportunidad de tener a este ser tan especial.

Le doy gracias a Dios que aun existan momentos que permitan sonreir para aquellos quienes no logran hacerlo.

He is Pocho, a beautiful puppy who has come to the life of one of my best friends, who has become my brother, where he became the most beautiful gift I could give his life.

At the time, after so many losses in his life, Pocho came to give smiles to my friend Jose, who although he has been alone in his life, did not refuse the opportunity to have this special being.

I thank God that there are still moments that allow us to smile for those who cannot.


Original Photos by @Misterlangdon from a UMIDIGI A7S Smartphone

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