Have you ever loved someone like MOON?

Moon is distinct away from all of us. But my question is that have you ever loved someone like moon?
Actually my point is that we all have heard stories about moon and we all have sung poems of moon. It means that all of us are in love with moon.
In real life who is our moon and are we capable of loving someone like moon?
I want to experience this feeling that whenever I will fell in love I want to fell fully.
Means a person should desire for his lover like he has desire for the moon because we all see moon we all sleep while talking with moon and we all sung for moon. Although we wish to catch them on but we cannot catch even touch that far distant object.
We always romanticize the word "moon".

Now I am remembering a poem which is written by John Donne "Go and Catch a falling Star". We all know that catching a falling star is impossible task so same as with moon.

Actually my point here is that real love cannot be obtained. Even in this whole world there is nothing which is perfect. There is nothing which is pure. There is nothing which is ultimate. We all are living in a world of illusion.

Photo detail
Wednesday night, 26 july 2023 i have captured this photo, from my home's balcony.

This blog is entry for @phortun contest to appreciate the beauty of NATURE.


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