Fireworks - when chemistry turns into emotions

As inspired from @mipiano, I usually like seeing fireworks: not necessarily for the noise but especially for the lights.
Anyway, I am very aware of the damages they cause into animals that can hear in the ultrasounds, creating a lot of terror. That's why it would be nice seeing them on the water (like they do in many places) to reduce the impact on animals.

One clarification, however, sometimes the bangs without pyrotechnic activity indicate either the beginning or the end of the show.

But how do fireworks work?

Simple they are based on pyrotechnic powder or commonly called gunpowder. The one found in all pistol and rifle cartridges.
Along with this powder, which is used as a propellant (to launch the charges into the air) and as fuel, other substances are added, which as they burn give the flame characteristic colors.

Depending on the substance that is combined there is a different color, for example if we add barium salts we get a green flame, while if we use antimony/copper, the flame turns blue.

Here is a nice guide on the different salts and elements, producing different colors


Why are fireworks fascinating?

Because I see them as the opposite of thunder, let me explain: thunder is a consequence of lightning, and as I have said many times before, I like these atmospheric events, but the "flame" is always blue in color!

In fireworks the color changes, then there are designs for each firework.

On average the ones we see around are based on a design called rain, within this type is the willow or golden waterfall, shimmering, flickering and crackling

Following are some examples

Then there are the "pupatelle" which are characterized by colorful elements

My best experience so far with Fireworks has been in Wroclaw, where me and Mary went this New Year's Eve to celebrate and we could assist to all the fireworks from right aside the launching zone. I have to admit that we got quite scared as a few of them got launched in a bad trajectory hitting ornamental trees that luckily were fire-proof.

Here a video of the fireworks show


Following up my article from yesterday, about sunsets, another occasion I love is when I spend the New Year's Eve at Mary's parents place. They live in a place over Reggio Calabria, on the first hill, where all Reggio Calabria and Messina can be seen, where I once counted more than 50 fire-works stations. Quite impressive.

All photos and video are the property of the author

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