Beyond Wheelchair Basketball. A weekend of pura-vida

From the 15th to the 18th June I have been with Mary in Cesenatico (Italy) where the National Finals took place. I wrote a lot about the games in the article here!

BUT, in the rest of the time, I spent great moments on the beach, practicing yoga, at a nice dinner at the restaurant, tasting local foods and so on.

So, let’s start from the beach!

Here is the beach at the dawn when I practiced some Yoga on Friday and from Saturday other people joined me

Here, Sunday, we were performing Baddha Virabhadrasana, the posture of the Humble Warrior, a great posture for shoulder, legs and aine dynamization.

And here, Saturday, we were performing Paschimotanasana, the tongs posture.

These friends joined me and Mary doing Yoga on the beach after seeing some pictures of us doing Yoga the first day. I would have never believed that some of them were really going to join us. And still, there they were, with much enthusiasm and aspiration. Much satisfied from the results.

On one day we also went to the Restaurant. Actually Mary went there as I was busy with a special Yoga activity in Bologna. I am happy she could join that dinner as I was leaving her alone for one evening but at least she could enjoy funny people from the team!
Here some pictures of a funny dinner where athletes and parents (or relatives) had enjoyed the dinner together.

And that dinner has been also the occasion to celebrate three different birthdays: the vice-coach, Matteo, and the birthday of an athlete, Gabriele and his twin, Luca (a former player of our team)

The last night, we went out after dinner to have a wonderful “PIADINA” a typical dish from Romagna, the southern part of the Italian Region Emilia-Romagna. Here a Piadina with white chocolate.
Or as they call it in Romagna "Piadeina".

And on the way back, as a prize for ourselves, me and Mary, stopped at a small “chiosco”, a small local kiosk, to eat the “cuoppo”, literally a paper cone filled with fried fish, as you can see from this picture.

As you can see, it’s been quite a variegated weekend and the wheelchair basketball has been the cherry on the cake, with a great aggregation and team-spirit from “my guys and girls”.

All pictures are mine and no filters have been used!

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