I documented the Venezuelan TROMPO festival + Video

Hello beautiful Photography Lovers community,

I'm very excited to share this new post with you because a few days ago I had the honor and pleasure of documenting the Venezuelan festival of TROMPO.

This is a tradition that is celebrated in Venezuela every Saturday of the Holy Week, in the state of Táchira, in a small town called "Borotá". Hundreds of fans of the classic and traditional game of trompo gather in this place to play together and also for the national competition.

Since this is such a traditional Venezuelan game, even I played it when I was a child, I couldn't miss the opportunity to go to this town to document it and share it with all of you!

When I arrived in Borotá, the first thing I saw was that in the central square they have a monument to the trompo:

It had rained a lot that morning and when I arrived there were almost no people there yet, but when I saw that monument I immediately knew that I had arrived at the right place. I talked to several people around and they told me that it wouldn't be long before it started, and so it was, in less than 1 hour the whole place was filled with people and trompos started to appear everywhere!

And as soon as the people gathered at the meeting point, they started playing trompo!

To my surprise, there were even cops playing trompo, that was very funny and at the same time nice to see, the surprise was that the policeman had a lot of talent!

When I tell you that there were many people playing trompo, there were literally many, from children to old people, it was very nice to see so many people together enjoying this beautiful tradition.

And there were trompos of all sizes, there were very small ones and gigantic ones!

And it was impressive to see a man playing with one of the biggest trompos of the day, the big trompo, and he even did tricks with it, he left everyone impressed!

It was a very healthy, beautiful and fun day, I was very happy to know such a beautiful festival of Venezuelan cultures and traditions and I liked even more to be able to document it with my camera and share it with all of you.

This time with all the sincerity of my heart I ask you to watch the video because through the video you will be able to appreciate in a better way what this beautiful tradition.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed learning about this Venezuelan tradition.



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