Spontaneous photo session with a blonde girl

Hello beautiful Photography Lovers community, I hope you are having a wonderful day, my best wishes to all of you!

I took these photos as part of my photography dynamic where I approach strangers and ask if I can take a few photos of them. I saw this girl in a shopping mall in my city and since she was dressed very nicely I decided to approach her and ask if she would like to participate and she said yes!

When I was editing the photos, I found this first pose she did very curious because she looked like a doll jajaja

At that time the light was a bit strong and direct so we were trying different positions in front of the sun to find the best possible light ...

As you can see, depending on where I put the model, we get totally different results. In the following photos, I positioned her in a way that the sun would hit her from the side, almost from behind, and that's when the photos I liked the most started to come out:

The girl already had some experience with poses and had a lot of confidence in front of the camera, so it was very easy to take some good photos of her!

At the end I showed the photos to the girl and she was super delighted with the results!

I hope you enjoyed this spontaneous photo shoot as much as we did!

Thank you for watching!



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